
Back to School

This day sneaks up on my every year.  I guess its just part of the deal.  

 How can it be that this little man has now completed his first day of Kindergarten? The day started with Henry's observation of all the crying moms leaving the building.

Henry:  "Mom, why are all those other moms crying?"
Me:  "This is a hard day for us moms.  Leaving our kids at Kindergarten for the first time...its a big deal."
Henry:  "Well that's dumb.  You guys aren't even the ones going to Kindergarten."

Yep...that's my Henry.

And here is how the school day ended:

Me:  "How was school?"
Henry:  "Fine."
Me:  "Did you meet any new friends?"
Henry:  "No."
Me:  "Well, who did you play with?"  
Henry:  "No one."
Me:  "What do you mean no one? You were by yourself all day?"  
Henry:  "No, but I didn't play with them."

Okay then...moving on.

Annika was thrilled to be the big dog in the building.  The bus couldn't come soon enough.

Her day ended like this:

Me:  "So how was your first day?"
Annika:  "It was awesome...Mrs. Stamper is so funny...I played with Gabbi all day...We get to have random grandparents days...I asked Mrs. Stamper if one was coming soon and she said maybe...Lunch was gross, but its okay because tomorrow its spaghetti which I love and Friday is pizza but Thursday is chicken fajita so I can I bring a lunch?"
Me:  "Umm...yes you can.  Do you breath at all during school?"
Annika:  "Yea why?
Me:  "Cause I don't think you have since I asked how your day was."
Annika:  "Well you asked, Mom."

She's right I sure did.  

Our experience will be quite different with these two.  While I know every detail of Annika's day {down to which pencil she used during journal time}, I'm not even sure Henry was actually in the building for the whole day!  I guess I'm going to have to send out some spies to see what he's up to during the day.  


Annika turns 8!

You know those people in your life who you can say, "Hey don't let me forgot {insert reminder}"...that used to be me.  Until eight years ago.  I'm not sure what happened after that...but parenthood completely changed it all.  I can hardly remember what I walk into a room for anymore.

 I really had no idea what I was in for when I was holding that miniature person 8 years ago.  NONE!  She came into this world a fighter...and she hasn't stopped since.

She is sweet and sassy all at once.  Intelligent, inquisitive...beyond her years in wisdom.  And in a split second all of 8 years old again.

She keeps me on my toes and keeps me in line when my actions don't match my words.  {I tried the whole, "Do as I say not as I do."  She didn't fall for that.  

She questions authority but is learning when to back down.  She is a caretaker but needs lots of love on her; a giver but will take in an instant if offered; a lover but not a cuddle-er.

I may not remember the details of the last 8 years, but I do know that my Annika is one amazing young lady.  And I cannot wait to see all that God has in store for her.

Happy Birthday Annika Lynn!

   1. What is your favorite color?  Green
   2. What is your favorite toy?  Lego friends
   3. What is your favorite fruit?  Pineapple
   4. What is your favorite tv show?  Sam & Cat
   5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Bologna sandwich
   6. What is your favorite outfit?  Shorts and a t-shirt
   7. What is your favorite game?  Monopoly
   8. What is your favorite snack?  Crackers
   9. What is your favorite animal?  Snowball
   10. What is your favorite song?  I'm Going To Get You

   11. What is your favorite book?  June B. Jones
   12. Who is your best friend?  Jorja
   13. What is your favorite cereal?  Craves
   14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Jump on the trampoline and ride my bike
   15. What is your favorite drink?  Water
   16. What is your favorite holiday?  Valentines Day
   17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  A book

   18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Toast
   19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Happy Joes 
   20.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  A chef

   {My apologies for the self-portrait-ness of this picture.  We haven't taught Maggie how to use the camera yet. :)}



Kids Cook: Pizza Bites

Would you like a glimpse into my week??  Good!

{Monday, 5 AM} "This is going to be a great week!  I had a great weekend, I've got a good attitude...gonna get lots done."

{Monday, 11 AM}  "This is ridiculous!!  I cannot sit in this room any longer.  How can we talk about the same thing over and over?  Are we seriously rehashing this?  Its only 11!?!?!?!?!  This week can not end soon enough."

{Tuesday + Wednesday} Repeat

{Thursday}  "Thank goodness it is Thursday.  I can do this...last day...then I'm home for 3 days with the kiddos.  Oh wait...I'm going to need to breathe tonight.  Better figure out something to do to keep the kids busy.  I can't deal with fussing and whining tonight."

This is where the kids helping me in the kitchen comes in.  They love to cook with me.  And I'm trying to be better about allowing them in.  It gives us something to do together {yep, I try to be a good parent like that}, and when they are done helping they are more than happy to run off and play together while I finish up and clean up.

You can be as homemade or as store bought as you want with this one.  This time I took a little extra help from the store and used canned biscuits.  But you could certainly use your favorite pizza dough recipe as well.

Cheese and bread...doesn't get better than that.  Well...chocolate and coffee rank higher for me...but...you get my drift.   

Pizza Bites
{makes 30 bites}

3 cans biscuits {10 count}
sliced pepperoni
cheese, cut into 1 inch cubes 
     {I used Monterrey Jack and Mozzarella, but use what you have on hand}
olive oil
italian seasoning
pizza sauce, for dipping

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Take one biscuit and top with one slice of pepperoni, a cube of cheese and another slice of pepperoni.  Pull edges around filling and pinch to seal.  Place seam side down in a 9x13 pan.  Repeat with remaining biscuits.
Brush tops of pizza bites lightly with olive oil and sprinkle tops with italian seasoning and parmesan.  Bake for 20-25 minutes until biscuits are lightly browned.  Serve with warmed pizza sauce and enjoy!